Form your own team with family and friends—no more than 8 per team—or come yourself and join up with others to form a team. You may think you don’t know trivia, but you will be amazed at what you do know! Although you can just show up, we would prefer if you could email (link above) your intention to attend, as space is limited. Questions: Call Lorraine at (978) 937-8657 or click on her email link above.
What the Night Looks Like...
2025 Trivia Night Schedule
Doors open at 6:30 pm
Trivia starts at 7 pm
$5 per person
Winners of the November 15th Trivia Night… klfdskjfsdjlfsds!
Winners of the October 18th Trivia Night… fdsfdsfsds!
Winners of the September 20th Trivia Night… Donald's Ducklings!
Donald's Ducklings: September 20, 2024 Trivia Winners
Sitting (l to r) Ron Freitas, Mary Ellen Bakken, John Hagg Standing (l to r) Ed Mahoney, David Bakken, Elaine Haag, Karen Duarte
June 14, 2024
Trivia Night
Highlights and Pic
Winners of the June 14th Trivia Night… Donald's Ducklings!
Donald's Ducklings: June 14, 2024 Trivia Winners
Sitting (l to r) Don Denomme, Elaine Hagg, John Hagg Standing (l to r) Mary Ellen Bakken, Dave Pelletier, David Bakken, Karen Duarte
May 17, 2024
Trivia Night
Highlights and Pic
Winners of the May 17th Trivia Night… Irish Crème!
Irish Crème: May 17, 2024 Trivia Winners
Sitting (l to r) Mickey McAndrews, Doug Harrison, Julie Harrison, Debbie McAndrews Standing (l to r) Peter McNamara, Brian McNamara
April 19, 2024
Trivia Night
Highlights and Pic
The Bagpipers... Winners of the April 19th Trivia Night!
Bagpipers: April 19, 2024 Trivia Winners
Sitting (l to r) Paul Rigazio, Chicki Rigazio, Pat Chevalier, Bob Chevalier Standing (l to r) Joe Wissman, Grace Wissman, Dave Gramling, Drew Jubinville
February 9, 2024
Trivia Night
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The Lucky Guessers makes their debut as a NEW WINNING TEAM!
Lucky Guessers: February 9, 2024 Trivia Winners
Sitting (l to r) Dave Goyette, Aline Tomaszewski, Pauline Bover, Gail Hannagan. Standing (l to r) Candy Roux-Goyette, Lorraine Arsenault, Steve McCarron
November 10, 2023
Trivia Night
Highlights and Pic
After the first four rounds of Friday Night Trivia, four of the five teams were tied for first place… something that has NEVER happened before! Then, if you think THAT is a first… at end of eight rounds—signaling the official end of the competition—there were three teams STILL TIED FOR FIRST PLACE! After FIVE tie-breaker questions, Donald’s Ducklings finished in first place by a mere 2 points!
Donald's Ducklings: November 10, 2023 Trivia Winners
Sitting (l to r) Ron Freitas, Don Denomme, Karin Duarte, John Hagg Standing (l to r) Ed Mahoney, Dave Pelletier, Donna Gambon, Elaine Hagg
October 13, 2023
Trivia Night
Highlights and Pic
Although a close competition (Bagpipers finished in a very close 2nd place), Donald's Duckings won AGAIN... for the fourth month in a row. Are they just simply unbeatable?
Donald's Ducklings: October 13, 2023 Trivia Winners
Sitting (l to r) Ron Freitas, Don Denomme. Standing (l to r) Ed Mahoney, Michael Boewe, Alison Boewe, Karin Duarte,
September 8, 2023
Trivia Night
Highlights and Pic
Third month in a row! One category of questions that was particularly difficult for all teams was “hybrid” vegetables. Answering those questions will forever make our food shopping trips into produce departments more interesting! Next Trivia is Friday Oct. 13, same place/time.
Donald's Ducklings: September 8, 2023 Trivia Winners
Sitting (l to r) Ron Freitas, Don Denomme, Barbara Gross, John Hagg. Standing (l to r) Dave Pelletier, Karin Duarte, Elaine Hagg
June 2, 2023
Trivia Night
Highlights and Pic
They did it again! Donald's Ducklings took the win for the second month in a row!
Donald's Ducklings: June 2, 2023 Trivia Winners
Sitting (l to r) Ron Freitas, Don Denomme, Barbara Gross
Standing (l to r) Catherine Flowers, Dave Pelletier, Elaine Hagg, Karin Duarte, Ed Mahoney
May 12, 2023
Trivia Night
Highlights and Pic
It was a close competition all evening, but Donald's Ducklings took the win BY ONE POINT over team Irish Créme!
Donald's Ducklings: May 12, 2023 Trivia Winners
(l to r) Karin Duarte, Dave Pelletier, Ron Freitas, John Hagg, Don Denomme, Elaine Hagg, Barbara Gross
April 14, 2023
Trivia Night
Highlights and Pic
Congratulations to the Blue Angels, (yes, you know the names and faces) who again walked away with the win. But... with a smaller margin this time. Will they beat next month?
Blue Angels: April 14, 2023 Trivia Winners
Sitting (l to r) Liz Kazarian, Carol MacDonald, Kathy Falco Standing (l to r) Steve Gregario, Dan Gregorio, Dave MacDonald, Dave Falco
December 9, 2022
Trivia Night
Highlights and Pic
The Blue Angels have DONE IT AGAIN! This third win makes them undefeated this season! Who will join us in the spring to try to unseat these champs? Mark your calendar for April 14, 2023!
Blue Angels: December 9, 2022 Trivia Winners
Sitting (l to r) Carol MacDonald, Lynn Kazarian, Kathy Falco
Standing (l to r) Dan Gregorio, Dave Falco, Joe Benoit, Dave MacDonald
October 21, 2022
Trivia Night
Highlights and Pic
The Blue Angels, with 2 members short, have done it again! Join us in congratulating them on their winning the 2nd Trivia Night of the season! Who can defeat them?
Blue Angels: October 21, 2022 Trivia Winners
Sitting (l to r) Carol MacDonald, Kathy Falco
Standing (l to r) Dan Gregorio, Joe Benoit, Dave MacDonald, Dave Falco
April 29, 2022
Trivia Night
Highlights and Pic
With only TWO POINTS TO SPARE, newcomer team 'La Familia' rose to the position of winner, beating out 6 other teams! The family that plays together walks away together... with the win!
Again, thank you to Lorraine Freitas, who always does a wonderful job hositing these trivia nights, and to Cathy, our collaborative photographer!
La Familia: April 24, 2022 Trivia Winners
Sitting (l to r) John Hagg, Elaine Hagg, Kim D'Eon, Jessica Hagg. Standing (l to r) Steve Gregario, Don D'Eon, Natalie Cassady
November 19, 2021
Trivia Night
Highlights and Pic
Another fun Friday night of Trivia was had as we head into our winter haitus. Winter driving is messy and not worth the risk... but the $5 person entry fee is!
See you in March!
Until then, sharpen those minds!
The Leftovers: November 19, 2022 Trivia Night Winners
Sitting (l to r) Elaine Nolan, Diane Morin, Stephen Russo Standing: Robert Russo [Missing from photo] Mark Turner
September 9, 2022
Trivia Night
Highlights and Pic
Congratulations to the Blue Angels, the winners fo our first Trivia Night of the season! Their secret to winning? Having a minimum of three Dave's on their team!
Blue Angels: September 9, 2022 Trivia Winners
Sitting (l to r) Tina Sousa, Lynne Kazarian, Carol MacDonald, Kathy Falco. Standing (l to r) Dave Sousa, Steve Gregario, Dave MacDonald, Dave Falco
March 16, 2022
Trivia Night
Highlights and Pic
The winter did NOT slow brains down as we came together again after a 3 month winter haitus... can you believe the last time we gathered was BEFORE THANKSGIVING?! As expected, fun was had by all. It’s nice to get back out and about with the warmer weather finally showing up.
Blue Angels: March 16, 2022 Trivia Winners
Sitting (l to r) Kathy Falco, Joe Benoit. Standing (l to r) Steve Gregorio, Dave Falco, Dan Gregorio, Dave MacDonald, Dave Sousa
May 20, 2022
Trivia Night
Highlights and Pic
Congratulations to the winners of the LAST Trivia Night of the Season!
Winning their second contest of this season, Irish Crème is, no doubt, a team to be contended with!
As we head into the summer, don’t let those brains get too relaxed, because we will be back in the fall for a new season!
Irish Crème: May 20, 2022 Trivia Night Winners:
Sitting (l to r) Kevin Keane, Peter McNamara, Doug Harrison Standing (l to r) Brian McNamara, Doris Molloy, Debbie McAndrews, Mickey McAndrews
October 15, 2021
Trivia Night
Highlights and Pic
Another fun Friday night of Trivia! At one point in the second half, 3 teams were within 1 point of each other... then there was a tie... then the veteran team, ‘Irish Crème,’ came out the victor in that final round!
St. Margaret parishioner Lorraine Freitas, the ‘hostest with the mostest,’ again exercised our brains, allowing them to locate the once forgotten answer to resurface. And if it didn’t... well, something new was learned.
Irish Crème: October 15, 2021 Trivia Night Winners
Sitting (l to r) Kevin Keene, Mickey McAndrews
Sitting (l to r) Doug Harrison, Brian McNamara, Debbie McAndrews, Peter McNamara, Julie Harrison, Liz Newton
September 17, 2021
Trivia Night
Highlights and Pic
It was in the final minutes of the last of 8 rounds that The Holy Terrors eeked out a win BY A SINGLE POINT! Going into this final round—category WORD GENIUS—the score was tied. As the winning answers were read, ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ preceded the ‘woot woots’ that could be heard around the world… or at least around St. Margaret’s Sacred Heart Hall.
It was a fun night for the 5 teams that attended—Autumn Leaves, Blue Angels, Donald’s Ducklings, The Holy Terrors and The Leftovers—and a testimony that our collaborative of three parishes is coming together nicely as one community, as there were parishioners from all three parishes in attendance, including a handful of staff members.
The evening was sponsored by St. Margaret Fellowship Hospitality Committee and hosted by St. Margaret parishioner Lorraine Freitas, who did a fantastic job of exercising our brains and increasing our knowledge. The categories were diverse, allowing the opportunity for each person at the table to have a chance at locating the answer that was thought to be forgotten, but found in the recesses of their brain.
The Holy Terrors: September 17, 2021 Trivia Winners Sitting (l to r) Courtney Callanan, Heather Hannaway, Robert Russo Standing (l to r) Stephen Russo, Sean Hannaway, Shaun Bradley, Ron Trznadel, Rae Russo