Saint Vincent de Paul
St. Mary Parish: Annual Report
October 1, 2019 - September 30, 2020
Annual Collections/Poor Boxes $13,775 40.2 %
Cummings Foundation Grant $10,000 29.1%
District Reimbursements $ 3,324 9.8 %
Individual Donations $ 7,165 20.9%
$34,264 100.0 %
Rent $ 5,240 24.2%
Fuel $ 495 2.3%
Utilities $ 3,129 14.4%
Automotive $ 1,365 6.3%
Food $ 6,340 29.3%
Home Goods/Appliances $ 1,101 5.1%
Spirit of Christmas $ 3,202 14.8%
Medical $ 261 1.2%
Other $ 527 2.4%
$21,660 100 .0%
The Society received 38 requests from families and individuals for assistance and we were able to help 101 adults and children this past year. As extra support in 2020 we provided grocery store gift cards to needy families during Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. We sincerely thank parishioners for their generosity during this holiday season and past donations. SVdP appreciates your continued financial support during the coming year by sending donations to the Parish Office. We are also grateful for the prayers and spiritual support from our parishioners as we continue to serve those in need in our St. Mary Parish community.
-Ray Gatti, President