The Sisters of Notre Dame have had a presence in the Lowell area since 1852. Their Mission is to be women with hearts as wide as the world, making known God’s goodness and love through a Gospel way of life, community and prayer. They commit their one and only life to work with others to create justice and peace for all.
Community and solidarity among the Sisters nourishes and supports them not only individually, but as a congregation of women religious. Most of Sr. Lori’s life in community has involved living with other SND’s in groups of different sizes, but for the last three years, she has been living alone. As a Sister who lives alone, she is enriched by the intentional relationship with other SND’s in her Unit. They share responsibility both for the spiritual and physical well-being of each other, and for that of the community as a whole. Each sister is accountable for supporting the goals of the community that have been mutually agreed upon, and for actively fostering the life and mission of the Unit and of the Congregation as a whole.
In Sr. Lori's own words...
"I cherish and have been blessed by years of spending time learning and growing with children, their parents, and dedicated teachers and volunteers in the ministry of education. Outside of three years in Leominster and ten years in South Boston, my years of ministry in elementary schools as a teacher and school administrator have been in the Merrimack Valley – Methuen, Andover and in Lowell -primarily at St. Patrick and St. Margaret of Scotland parishes. With all my SND Sisters, all our ministries have one aim: to proclaim in our time, as St. Julie did in hers, that God is good!"
Retired from full-time ministry in a Catholic elementary parish school, Sr. Lori is happy and blessed to continue making known God’s goodness sharing in the caring pastoral ministry here in our new Holy Rood Collaborative.