We offer many, many opportunities for parishioners to 'plug in' and play an active role in our family. Please peruse through the below list, and click on the tab for any ministry that catches your eye to learn more. If you have any questions, or would like further information, email [email protected] or call (978) 256-2374. Check out some PHOTOS of some past ministry fairs, which are always themed for FUN, FUN, FUN... Renaissance Fair in 2017, Wild Wild West in 2019, and Sock Hop in 2022.
St. John's
Altar Guild
What We Do
We dust and tidy up the sacristy, reconciliation room and vestibule in time for Saturday 4 pm Mass.
Why We Do What We Do
Just as we would clean our house for the arrival of guests, we take pride in the cleaning of the Lord’s House for those that come to visit Him here.
When We Do It
This ‘housecleaning’ is complete once a week and takes approximately an hour. We work on a rotating schedule, so your scheduled time is dependent on the number of members week.
St. John's
Altar Linens
What We Do
We pick up soiled alter linens from the church sacristy, bring home to wash, iron and fold, then return to the sacristy.
Why We Do What We Do
The celebration of the Liturgy and Eucharist is the foundation of our faith. The laundering of these linens is a vital task in the serving of our priest and parish.
When We Do It
With our current member count, our rotating schedule calls that each member perform this task monthly.
St. Margaret's
Altar Linens
What We Do
We gather soiled alter linens from the church sacristy, bring home to launder and dry, starch and iron, then return to the sacristy.
Why We Do What We Do
We like to give back to our life-long church, priests and community. We consider it a 'labor of love.'
When We Do It
We are a team of three and meetin 2-3 times per month, as needed. We have been faithfully and lovingly doing this ministry work for more than 20 years.
Who We Are
Ann Donovan, Donna Grzyb and Maureen Farino.
If interested in becoming part of our team, contact Maureen at (978) 328-9557.
Prep Team
What We Do
We provide formation for the parents of our soon-to-be-baptized infants in the meaning of the Sacrament as well as its responsibilities (Canon 851) . All formation and materials are provided.
Why We Do What We Do
Mentoring parents in the awesome spiritual responsibility of parenthood is rewarding work! Together, we are bringing a new Child of God into our fold.
When We Do It
Baptismal formation takes place on the first Friday of each month from 7:00-8:30, followed by the Rite of Baptism on the first Sunday at 12:30 pm.
Sue Beechin at (978) 256-2374, ext 236 or [email protected].
Baptism Robes
What We Do
We sew the baptismal robes for the children that our baptized in our Collaborative.
Why We Do What We Do
This garment represents ‘putting on Christ’’.. The beginning a a new life in Christ. We do this to honor of this new life.
When We Do It
The robes are made on an 'as needed' basis. Each parish has a different kit, so be sure to note what parish you are sewing for when you call the parish office to request your kit..
Men's Group
What We Do
The Catholic Men's Group has been active for over 20 years and ALWAYS welcomes new men into the conversation. We provide men with an opportunity for prayer, scripture and education about our faith. We typically discuss the Sunday readings, but at various times during the year we may have an outside speaker, or activities such as the rosary or stations of the cross. No obligation is necessary. Participants can attend as much or as little as they desire. For more information, contact Armand at (978) 250-1332.
Why We Do What We Do
To provide men with an opportunity to share the above-mentioned items with other men in similar circumstances at a time that may not interfere with family obligations.
When We Do It
We meet in the St. Mary Parish Center Conference Room 1 on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month from 7:45 - 8:45 am.
50 years of praise &worship
please scroll down to read october, 2021 article
Charismatic Prayer Community
What We Do
We offer the opportunity to praise and thank God, reflect on scripture, receive valuable teachings, be open to spiritual gifts and to develop and be nourished by community.
Why We Do What We Do
To deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ so that we my reflect his light and love more easily to others.
When We Do It
We meet every Thursday in the St. John Old Parish Center from 10 - 11 am, and again from 7 - 8 pm.
We Will NOT Meet on the following Dates:
November 23, 2023 | March 28, 2023
Catherine Duggan at [email protected].
As the psalmists often remind us, it is important to look back and recall the many blessings we have received from God. Anniversaries afford us the opportunity to do just that. The St. John Catholic Charismatic Prayer Community is celebrating 50 years of Life in the Spirit in 2021. Our hearts are filled with gratitude and praise for all that God has done for us and through us in the past 50 years, and for what He will continue to do in the future. Here is a brief history of our journey...
The Spirit of God was already at work in discussion groups being held at St. John’s in 1968. One of our ecumenical groups decided to study the forgotten member of the Trinity; the Holy Spirit. During their time together, they received a visit from a priest who taught and prayed over them for a renewed infilling of the Spirit of God, known as the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. They began to speak in tongues and prophesy, and continued seeking ways to grow in the life of the Spirit. Some members learned of a Catholic charismatic prayer meeting being held at the Cenacle in Brighton, Massachusetts, which they attended weekly and participated in the Life in the Spirit seminar. In October 1971, the group began meeting more often in order to further grow in the Gifts of the Spirit; as they grew in the Spirit, they grew in size. In 1972, the Lord blessed the community with a covenant, which was later discovered to be a simplified version of the covenant established for the Ann Arbor, Michigan prayer community. The community also established a powerful prayer line, that to this day, remains alive and active. The community attended a retreat led by Russell Kirk of the Cenacle prayer group in
Brighton where the importance of authority and submission, and the making of agreements, was stressed. When the community returned to St. John’s, the team asked the pastor if the group could be under his authority; He accepted, and it was at this point in time that the group begin meeting in the church.
In the 1990’s, the National Service Community of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal stressed the importance of having a vision for each prayer group. After prayer and discernment, a vision statement was ratified by the entire community… that we be a people united in love and committed to bringing others into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
While the community has grown and waned over the years, God has continued to bless us and use our gifts. The community has prepared and hosted many Life in the Spirit seminars; God has answered many prayer petitions and brought healing and hope to His people through the prayer warriors of this community; God’s word spoken to us in prophecy is cherished and published in the form of a bookmark; a group of dedicated servants pray and discern the prophecies given at prayer meetings, and compile a synopsis of the word for all to have and use in daily prayer; God continues to bless us with the gift of praise, especially the gift of tongues.
We thank God for technology and Zoom. Zoom meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic has kept us ‘alive and faithful’ to our charismatic spirituality. We pray that we continue to follow the Lord’s leading as we journey forward in The Holy Rood collaborative.
As we recall fifty years of living Life in the Spirit of God; filled with mercy, graces, forgiveness, challenges, losses and difficulties, we proclaim once again. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” [Jeremiah 29:11]
As we recall fifty years of living Life in the Spirit of God; filled with mercy, graces, forgiveness, challenges, losses and difficulties, we proclaim once again...
Prayer Group
What We Do
We gather as contemplatives to read scripture via the practice of Lectio Divina followed by open discussion, allowing us to begin our weekend walking with the Lord.
Why We Do What We Do
By beginning our weekend steeped in the Word and Christian fellowship, we are afforded the opportunity to begin our week ready to live in His light and share it with others.
When We Do It
We meet on the 3rd Saturday of every month—9:30 - 11 am—in the St. John New Parish Center Linehan Room.
Culture of Life Group
What We Do
We aim to promote the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. Through pro-life activities, we combat the ‘culture of death’ within society by portraying every life as a gift from God.
Why We Do What We Do
We see the need to defend life, especially that of the unborn and the elderly; to give witness to the dignity of every human life.
When We Do It
We meet 5 times of year. We do not meet in the summer months.
Decorating Committees
What We Do
Each parish has a committee that decorates our worship space for the liturgical seasons of Advent/Christmas, Lent/Easter, and maintain the beautification of the altar throughout Ordinary Time.
Why We Do What We Do
In enhancing and beautifying our worship space, we are paying proper homage to our heavenly Father, who shares the beauty of His world with us every day!
Want To Learn More?
Contact the parish offices at [email protected] or call (978) 256-2374.
We are here to provide help where it is needed for the health and wellbeing of our Collaborative members. We provide direct care through our blood pressure clinics but also provide transportation, shopping and home visit services. Our Ministry also sponsors informational programs during the year on a variety of topics for our parishioners. Our dedicated members are both medical and nonmedical volunteers. We welcome anyone with a desire to service those in need.
Why We Do What We Do
Charlene Muscato, RN was the founder of our Ministry. She was a long time parishioner at St John the Evangelist. Her community nursing experience led her to complete the Faith Community Nursing certification course sponsored by the Archdiocese of Boston in 2019 and establish this Ministry. We will always remember her with love and gratitude for all she has begun.
When We Do It
BP Clinics
St. Margaret Parish | Third Friday of the month, following 8 am Mass | Sacred Heart Hall
St. Margaret Parish | Fourth Sunday of the month, following 10 am Mass | Sacred Heart Hall
St. John Parish | Second Tuesday of the month (Sept-June), following 9 am Mass | Parish Hall
Transportation and Home Services
To make arrangements, please contact us at [email protected], or call the parish offices at (978) 256-2374.
Speaker Programs
Information on upcoming events can we found in the bulletin and our website under Parish Life, Up and Coming Events.
St. John
Annual Giving Tree Ministry
Every year I am amazed at the generosity of our parishioners. We are able to make Christmas special for many of the less fortunate in our community. I am very grateful not only for the gift-givers, but to all those who help with the task of sorting and bagging the gifts, preparing them for distribution to the intended recipients.
-Laura Groele, Giving Tree Coordinator
The Clergy and Staff would like to say thank you to YOU, Laura, for your never-ending and faithful commitment to this annual cause of helping our neighbors! You are a rockstar!
God, Pizza
and Beer
What We Do
It is our desire to provide an environment for the men in our collaborative and beyond o openly and comfortably celebrate their like-mindedness and faith. For well over a decade, we have gathered men together to a welcoming and comfortable 90 minutes of fellowship through pizza, conversation and the discussion of next week's Gospel and the message it has for each of us.
Why We Do What We Do
It is our desire to provide an environment for the men in our collaborative and beyond to
openly and comfortably celebrate their like-mindedness and faith.
When We Do It
We meet in the St. John Old Parish Cener on the first Wednesday of the month.
We do not meet in the summer months.
A Little History
This September, 2021 begins year 18 of this popular St. John's Men's Faith Sharing Group. It has been, and remains to be, the goal of this group to provide the men of our community rest after a hard day's work. Here's a little history...
This ministry began in the St. John Rectory kitchen/dining room during the early years of Fr. Paul Ritt's assignment at St John the Evangelist, where 6-8 men would gather for a slice or two of pizza and a sip of home-brewed beer or soda. Soon thereafter, they were forced to re-locate to the Old Parish Center to accommodate the growing group of up to 20 men who came to enjoy the fellowship and conversation that followed the pizza.
What began as a "What's going on in our Catholic community' discussion has grown over time to the reflecting upon the upcoming Sunday Gospel reading. As a group, these men share the importance of the reading, inspiring each other to grow in their faith.
They are fortunate to have had several men from the Archdiocesan MAM Program who have contributed so much to this gathering over the years. Additionally, priests and deacons have been in attendance and have shared that these discussions have provided new insights into the Gospels that were helpful to them as they prepare their homilies.
Questions? Contact Bob Chevalier at (978) 853-8103.
What We Do
We are a welcoming face to all who enter our church to celebrate Mass. We make ourselves available to answer questions and offer assistance as needed.
Why We Do What We Do
By our warm and friendly presence and service, we are furthering the Kingdom by conveying the same welcoming Spirit that our Lord, Jesus offers to each of us.
When We Do It
Each Mass is covered by our ministry. We work on a schedule based on your availability.
Donna Gambon at (978) 256-2374 or [email protected].
What We Do
We serve the parish by providing a welcoming and comfortable environment for all guests. We support the many social events that happen in our parish by donating and/or serving food and refreshments. We are also responsible for setting up, maintaining and post- cleaning of events.
Why We Do What We Do
We are provided with a purpose to serve others while enjoying a social gathering. It is rewarding to be able to create opportunities for parishioners to gather together in fellowship.
When We Do It
If a need arises, we communicate amongst ourselves regarding availability of team members. You can remain a member for as long as it fits within your lifestyle and schedule.
Knitting and Crocheting
What We Do
By gathering together in fellowship, we are able to support each other by sharing our skills and lives. The projects we work on are for ourselves or charity.
Why We Do What We Do
To provide a environment where we can work our craft and share our lives. Many of our shawls are donated to the Prayer Shawl Ministry.
When We Do It
We meet every Friday, 3 - 5 pm in the St. Mary Parish Hall. No requirement as to when to show up or how long to stay. NOTE: You do not need to know how to knit/crochet… we can teach you!
We Will NOT Meet on the following Date:
March 29, 2024
Lasagne Ministry
What We Do
We provide, deliver and serve lasagna, salad and dessert to the clients of the Lowell Transitional Living Center.
Why We Do What We Do
We do this because we have a heart for caring for the less fortunate that live among us. By providing and/or serving a nutritious meal, we are showing them that their presence matters in the world.
When We Do It
We deliver the food one Wednesday a month and serve it the following day, Thursday, once a month.
St. Mary
Martha's Helpers
What We Do
We are the behind the scenes team who offer our gifts of organization and cleaning. We inventory and stock all kitchen supplies, clean all kitchen surfaces of clutter, discard expired foods and assist with after-Mass hospitality.
Why We Do What We Do
We do this because we wish to provide the highest quality of hospitality to our parish ministries who utilitze the kitchen space, which results in the highest quality of hospitatlity to our parish family.
Men of St. Joseph
Who We Are/ What We Do
The Men of St. Joseph is an association of Christian men, united under the Catholic Church, who meet to pray together and encourage each other to be the spiritual leaders of their families. The purpose of the Men of St. Joseph is to inspire and equip men to be spiritual leaders in their homes. Some might say our goal is a bit "lofty": become stronger in our relationship with Christ and in our faith so we can help get ourselves and our families to heaven. It's a bold purpose, but in the end what else really matters?
When We Meet
We meet from 7:30 - 9 am on the 3rd Sunday of the month in the St. Margaret Sacred Heart Hall.
Ministry of Hope
What We Do
We meet with the family members to assist in the planning of the Funeral Liturgy for their loved one who has passed.
Why We Do What We Do
It is an honor to be able to assist our clergy as lay ministers throughout the entire process of laying loved ones to rest. To be able to be a source of comfort for distressed families through this journey of loss is humbling.
When We Do It
As the church is notified of a funeral, members are contacted in order that they reach out to the family as soon as possible.
Music Ministry
What We Do
We bring sacred scripture, in the form of music and song to the
Why We Do What We Do
We love music and we love the Lord, and we aspire to lead and assist in the conscious and active participation of the congregation in the form of musical prayer.
When We Do It
Visit the specific Parish Music Ministry Page for details of all music ministries.
St. Mary Music Ministry
St. John Music Ministry
St. Margaret Music Ministry
St. Mary Paradise Garden Club
What We Do
Working in collaboration with the parish landscaper, we work to beautify the church grounds. We populate the planters seasonally and maintain the various flower beds.
With the busy-ness of all that the COVID pandemic brought to our doorstep, some things have fallen by the wayside and need to be gathered together again. We all feel that the appearance of our grounds should reflect the never-ending, always present Glory of God. If you would like to become part of this team, contact the parish offices at [email protected] or (978) 256-2374.
Why We Do What We Do
A neat, welcoming and appealing entrance and grounds benefit us ALL by uplifting our moods as we enter the church. Beautifying our place of worship shows appreciation to God for his many gifts!
What We Do
Do you need prayers said for someone or a special intention? Call the Prayer Line and leave a voice message stating your prayer need. Over 40 members of our ministry will pray for your intention. Note that prayer requests NEVER come off the list! They continue to be offered by our members, with the belief that God distributes the merits of our continued prayers to where they are most needed.
Why We Do What We Do
Prayer is our lifeline to God. To be able to facilitate that for people who are in need is a humbling and rewarding experience. It brings comfort to those who are at their lowest points, to know that people care for them and their needs.
Need a Prayer?
To have prayers said for yourself or a loved on, call the parish offices at (978) 256-2374 and ask for ext 223.
After hours, press 5.
St. John
Prayer Shawl Ministry
What We Do
We knit or crochet shawls that are given to those who are sick, lonely or just in need of a warm embrace. We have a rack displaying the shawls at both parishes for parishioners to take as needed.
Why We Do What We Do
To know that the prayers prayed while knitting and crocheting shawls that end up in the hands of someone who needs them, illustrates how connected we all truly are.
When We Do It
We meet on the 3rd Sunday of month in the St. John Old Parish Center Room 3.
St. Margaret
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The St. Margaret Prayer Shawl Ministry began in 2011 as a choir member battled cancer. She wanted no one to see the toll that the illness took on her body and refused non-family visitors. How do you comfort someone without being there?
Another choir member saw an article in a local newsletter about Prayer Shawl Ministries. This talented knitter created a shawl for our suffering friend to let her know that God loved her and so did we. In October 2011, she received the first Prayer Shawl from what became our ministry.
To keep our shawls from collecting dust in storage, we began reaching out to chaplains at hospitals and clinics, and to those who minister at nursing homes, retirement homes and assisted-living centers. Now, we regularly deliver completed prayer shawls to them for distribution. Since our ministry began, we have distributed over 1000 shawls and many many chemo caps. Of course, if a need arises in our own parish family, we handle that as well.
As we knit, crochet or sew these shawls in private, we may wonder if our work really matters. Fortunately, the LORD frequently gives us a look at how He uses the work of our hands. Following is a thank you note that we recently received from a hospital chaplain. (To respect recipient privacy, I try not to include names.)
I wanted to send my sincere thanks for including …our hospital… in your ministry. The shawls are not only beautiful, but have been extremely meaningful to those who receive them. As we become more accustomed to their availability, we are finding more patients who will benefit from them.
I recently gave one to a gentleman who was going to undergo an amputation. It brought tears to his eyes, and when I visited afterward it was laying across him.
Thank you, from him and from all of us in the chaplain’s office.
Please pray for those whom we serve and for our service. If you would like to be part of the ministry, let us know. We will add you to our mailing list and keep you informed about when and where we will meet.
To obtain a shawl for someone in need or to join the ministry, call Brenda D’Amour at (978) 453-2723 or Anna Pratt at (508)517-7507. Leave a message if we don’t answer; we’ll get back to you.
Making Group
What We Do
We make and donate rosaries to missions in the United States and around the world, as well as local homeless and detention center ministries.
Why We Do What We Do
We feel blessed to be able to share our faith as a group, while putting our creative talents to work in furthering the kingdom of God through our evangelistic work!
When We Do It
We gather together weekly on Thursday mornings in the St. Mary Parish Center Conference Room 2.
We Will NOT Meet on the following Dates:
November 23, 2023 | December 21, 2023 | December 28, 2023 | March 28, 2024
Sextons: St. Mary
What We Do
We greet parishioners, distribute bulletins, manage the weekly offertory collection and clean pews at the end of Mass.
Why We Do What We Do
We play an important part in the running of the church business. The offertory is the Church’s main source of income, and we assure the parish that the collection is well-managed.
When We Do It
There is a weekly schedule. The time you commit is determined by your ability and the number of members currently in the ministry.
Donna Gambon at (978) 256-2374 or [email protected].
Soup Kitchen
What We Do
Volunteers work collaboratively to prepare and serve a healthy and nutricious meal for guests at the Elliot Church on Summer Street in Lowell. Each parishioner volunteer contributes parts of the mean and meets at the kitch for a 5 pm serving on their scheduled date.
Why We Do What We Do
We feel blessed that we have the opportunity to provide critical nourishment to those in need. Our parishioners interact with guests letting them know that we are caring and concerned about their well-being.
When We Do It
On the third Thursday of each month, a team of volunteers meets at the Soup Kitchen on Summer St in Lowell. Parishioners are assigned to a team and an annual serving schedule is made. Each team serves once or twice per year.
St. Mary
Spirit of Christmas
Thank you to our parishioners who, year after year, generously and compassionately give gifts and donations to Spirit of Christmas. It is such a blessing to see our parish come together to bring Christmas cheer to those in need. We would also like to thank the many “elves” who do the shopping, using the monetary funds donated by generous folks like you!
The gifts are distributed to non-profits in Chelmsford and surrounding towns—including, but not limited to—Merrimack Valley Catholic Charities, Alternative House, House of Hope, St. Patrick School, Secret Santa (families in the Chelmsford Schools), and St. Vincent de Paul.
We wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2023!
Diane Taylor, Annemarie McGaughey, Tim McGaughey
Spirit of Christmas Team
The Clergy and Staff would like to say thank you to Diane, Tim and Annemarie! Without their compassion and selfless spirit, we would not have been able to assist our neighbors in experiencing a happier Christmas!
Table Ministry
What We Do
We are one of seven churches who work with the Salvation Army in serving meals to the poor who live among us.We plan healthy and delicious meals to feed those who cannot provide for themselves. As a team, we collaborate on menus as we take client feedback into consideration.
Why We Do What We Do
Out of our blessings, we are able to fill a basic need for those who have not. We serve the same clients repeatedly, and are able to nourish them with the gift of ‘friendship’ as well… and they us.
When We Do It
We meet the 2nd Sunday of every month.
Tuesday Morning Coffee Group
What We Do
We offer a welcoming environment for fellowship, centered around coffee, donuts and conversation.
Why We Do What We Do
It is a wonderful way to meet people and form new authentic friendships.
When We Do It
We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month following the St. John 9 am daily Mass in the church hall.
Ushers: St. John's
What We Do
We greet parishioners, distribute bulletins, manage the weekly offertory collection and clean pews at the end of Mass.
Why We Do What We Do
We play an important part in the running of the church business. The offertory is the Church’s main source of income, and we assure the parish that the collection is well-managed.
When We Do It
There is a weekly schedule. The time you commit is determined by your ability and the number of members currently in the ministry.
Donna Gambon at (978) 256-2374 or [email protected].
Women, Word & Wisdom
What We Do
We do this as a means of leading women to a more authentic and loving relationship with Christ and our neighbor.
Why We Do What We Do
It is a wonderful way to meet people and form new authentic friendships.
When We Do It
We meet in the St. John New Parish Center on on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, from September - June.