Join us as we gather...
A word of thanks from Lorraine Freitas,
St. Margaret Fellowship Committee Chairperson
“WOW!” Last month’s Meal of Thanksgiving at St. Margaret of Scotland Church was a wonderful success again this year! Members of the St. Margaret Fellowship Committee extend our heartfelt thanks to all who participated in any way in this event. It is a blessing to have so many helping hands in our collaborative coming together in service and enjoying lovely social events such as this.
The lucky winner of 50/50 Raffle - $263 was awarded to Deborah Neveux, while the remaining half was donated to St. John Chaplet of St. Vincent DePaul. The winners of our Door Prize—a $25 Market Basket Gift Card—were Paul and Alma Rigazzio.
We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends, and we wish you a very Blessed Christmas Season!