No parent should outlive their child, and yet it happens. And the pain that follows that loss, at times feels insurmountable. It is a cross that weighs so heavy that you may believe you are breaking under its weight. Please know that you are not
alone in this walk.
Paula, who has experienced the recent loss of her adult son, is hoping to journey alongside others who also walk this path. Whether your loss is recent or some time ago, you are reminded… you are not alone. It is in being with others who share this experience where healing can begin can take place. It is here where stories can be shared, tears can be validated and honored, and hope can begin to take root.
This group meets on the 1st Thursday of the month in the St. Mary Parish Center (Room 5) from 6:30 - 8 pm.
If you are interested in attending or learning more, Paula can be reached at (978) 427-5834 or at [email protected].
Hope and Healing
When a loved one dies, everything changes in your family, in your life and in your dreams. Know YOU ARE NOT ALONE in your grief and loneliness. The Hope and Healing Adult Grief Support Group is now offered with meetings on the last Saturday of each month from September till May. Any grieving adult who have experience the death of a loved one is welcome to join us in a safe place to share their story, find comfort, hope and encouragement, as they continue a new path in life without their deceased loved one. Registration is not required.
We typically meet on the last Saturday of the Month in the St. John Old Parish Center from 10:30 am - 12 noon.